Saturday night and Sunday night, Zoran Spasovski, one of the pastors at Christian Center 490 in Macedonia taught, preached, and ministered concerning the prophetic here in Thessaloniki. I believe it was a very encouraging time for the entire body.
I don't think I fully understand Revelation 19:10, but I saw at least one aspect of how the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. The spirit of prophecy releases GRACE. Paul said the Lord had given him authority for building up and not for tearing down (2 Cor. 13:10), and that's exactly what I saw take place in our body these past few nights. As the spirit of prophecy was moving and ministering, people were lifted up to a level they couldn't attain on their own. And that's what Jesus came to do from the Father. He was full of grace and truth. He was always lifting people up, calling them to come up higher, to live at a higher level, above the world, in Him.
Words started to fail me, so I sketched the image I had in my mind. I felt like the Lord really lifted our body to another level through the spirit of prophecy this weekend. Hope was birthed also with the seeding of His promises.
Much love,
hmmm...definately have to get back to you about that verse...Have to study it. Nice drawing and good the think that "lifting up" is what its all serious "ressurection levels"and while satan seeks to pull us down...on so many levels, Jesus seeks to lift us up on so many levels by giving us "promises". And because he is sinless he keeps his promises. It is faith in those promises that allows us in the spirit to partake of his divine nature.